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Search results

  1. L

    large traffic need routes calling to China

    Hi, I’m Stephie, we are finding stable routes calling to China, but we can difficult problems need to be solved. First, we have test lots of CC routes, but all can’t be stable for days, so it’s hard to bring my clients in. Now we have separated our manual clients out, to wish using cli routes...
  2. L

    Looking for really stable China CC routes with huge volume

    Hi, we have large volume and looking for really stable China CC route. we have test lots of routes, there are always different problems after calling 20-40mins like foreign voice mails, foreigners taking the calls, bad voice quality,etc. We are finding good routes with huge volume, and we...
  3. L

    Looking for China routes pricing 0.03-0.06

    We need China CC or CC CLI. ASR35-40% ACD 30-60 Target 0.04-0.06 FAS is not accepted and no callback is required. If your route supports my traffic. We are testing now. I need about 4000+ ports, large volume and stable clients SKYPE ID: shuntong8888@outlook.com Telegram: @LeonDeng

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