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10 Reasons to Choose the MediaCore

10 Reasons to Choose the MediaCore

The MediaCore is an innovative Class 4 Solution for voice and SMS services. Our Team has emphasized 10 key reasons to choose the MediaCore Solution:

1. A Unified Point of Control System

2. Wholesale SMS support

3. Convenient provisioning tools

4. Time-saving features for business optimization

5. A cost-effective solution

6. The system is scalable on-demand

7. A native protocol & codec converter without productivity slowdown

8. A Revenue Assurance system (Guardian) for traffic quality estimation

9. 24/7 technical support, on-line training and consultations

10. Free updates on a regular basis

Do you want to know what our clients say about the MediaCore?

‘We chose the MediaCore and I have no doubts that we made the right decision’ – INC Allianz

‘With the MediaCore Softswitch we don’t worry about the network stability’ - Alkaip Telecom

‘We have more time to develop our new business opportunities’ - Netvoip Chile

More testimonials can be read here http://speedflow.com/index.php/en/media ... stimonials

Speedflow also invites system integrators and regional representatives for cooperation. Contact info@speedflow.com for more details.

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