Good online earning money chance ! ! !
Hi ,This is daisy from Chinaskyline .We are looking for business partner in
*Australia(61)*——————————Hot SMS
*New zealand(64)*————————Hot SMS
*America(1)*————————————Hot SMS
*France(33)*————————————Hot SMS
* Malaysia(60)*,
* Indonesia(62)*
*Vietnam(84)*————————————Hot SMS and CALL
*India(91)*————————————HOT CALL
*Afghanstian(93)*——————————Hot CALL
Help us to send marketing sms .
All you need :One sk device (I can offer ),good internet (wifi) and bulk sims .
Payment options
aypal/Payoneer/Local bank/West Union/ UAE payment options aviable.
@@@ I also have goip 32 and sk 32-128 hot sale @@@
If you are interested .pls let me know .
Hi ,This is daisy from Chinaskyline .We are looking for business partner in
*Australia(61)*——————————Hot SMS
*New zealand(64)*————————Hot SMS
*America(1)*————————————Hot SMS
*France(33)*————————————Hot SMS
* Malaysia(60)*,
* Indonesia(62)*
*Vietnam(84)*————————————Hot SMS and CALL
*India(91)*————————————HOT CALL
*Afghanstian(93)*——————————Hot CALL
Help us to send marketing sms .
All you need :One sk device (I can offer ),good internet (wifi) and bulk sims .
Payment options
@@@ I also have goip 32 and sk 32-128 hot sale @@@
If you are interested .pls let me know .