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Embrace CMER (Compressed Multiplexed & Encrypted RTP) Technology

Embrace CMER (Compressed Multiplexed & Encrypted RTP) technology of IMPROLABS which is the result of extensive research on voice data compression, data encryption and next generation voice data networking.

CMER Solution (Router & PC Base) offers true bandwidth optimization for call termination businesses. CMER Solution runs calls at only 8.1 kbps data usage without compromising the quality and it enhances ACD & ASR significantly. Bandwidth saving starts from the first call. Router Solution supports over 500+ of different brands/models of Routers such as TP Link, Asus, Netgear, D-Link, Linksys, etc.

It is compatible with all Gateways available in the market for call termination businesses.

For details please visit:

Our Skype Id: sales.improlabs
Email Id: info@improlabs.com

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