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Firsthand 4/8/16/32 ports VoIP GSM Gateway from Skyvia

Skyvia has been a famous franchiser engaged in VoIP Gateways,GSM VoIP gateways with experienced team and thorough after-sales service for years.We offer high-quality Goip 4/8/16/32 port gsm gateways with competitive price.
Skyvia are providing 100% customs cleared devices in pak with safe way guranted and we keep the awaranty of our products.We also provide after sale service if you don't get device we will refund the device price & customs fee .

If you have any need or consultation,please have no hesitate to contact us.

Lemon Lau
Tel: 86 411 84613316
Cell phone: 86 18941357975
MSN/IM: lemon@skyviatelcom.com

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