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Looking for a-z Nocli routes!

  1. Dear Partners !
    Our company with many years of history on the VoIP termination market .
    SKYLINE International Communication Co.,Ltd. is opening for cooperation with VOIP providers of all regions of the world.
    SKYLINE International Communication Co.,Ltd. invites telecom companies to join the long term cooperation
    1. We have interest in buying wholesale VoIP routes at competitive rates and with good ASR/ACD.
      We have a lot of VoIP termination traffic and we are looking for quality routes of different destinations.
      Our company is looking for VoIP termination partners to build a long term and fruitful cooperation with them.
      If you can offer to our company any wholesale routes - you are more than welcome.
      1. If you would like to know more about our requirements - please contact us and we will update you with all necessary information.
        All your proposals about wholesale routes will be reviewed definitely!

        Please check our web site for contact details.
        Our site : www.chinaskyline.net ; ru.chinaskyline.net
        China Skyline Telecom Co.,Ltd.

Contact us to advertise on this website!