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looking for in - country routes

Jak Matalon Intelligencia; Jak Matalon International - Arus Telecom- Jak Matalon

Dear Partners/Long Distance Telcos/ Wholesale Carriers ,

Greetings ! Bonjour !

We're ARUS TELECOM LTD - A leading wholesale & retail Telecommunication providerWe're headquartered in
Cyprus with operational base in Turkey and our specialization is In quite a few middle east countries.
Our promoters presence have been in the industry for around 8 years and we've been operational with the
established entity since past 3 years .

We terminate over 3 -4million minutes a day to various International destinations and known as an incumbent carrier
for most of our specialized routes due to Our partner presence accessibility and direct control.

Jak Matalon : Information of our entity could be accessed at www.arustel.com .

Jak Matalon - Being a calling card (www.kart2013.com) company we 've a strong retail customer base and
the entity envisions to be a one stop solution provider of both retal and wholesale
telecommunications services.

For interconnection/route opportunities, please contact us Sales Team at sales@arustel.com

Thank you !

Arus Telecom Ltd

Contact us to advertise on this website!