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New Version of Sippy Switch has been released!

Now it's very easy to configure SippySwitch using new user-friendly web Interface. Introducing new features

1- New Web Interface.
a- New and easy to use Admin Web Interface
b- New and easy to use Customer web Interface
c- New and easy to use Vendor web Interface
3- Android & IOS Mobile Dialer + White Labeling (Coming Soon)
4- Web Based API
5- Flexible Routing Tools
6- Unlimited Supplier (Vendor) Connections
7- Adaptive Routing based on ASR/ACD (Flexible Crankback management)
8- Least Cost Routing (LCR)
9- Percentage based routing
10- Forced/preference routing
11- Prefix length routing
12- ASR / ACD Quality monitoring
13- Profit / Loss Protection (Margin based Routing)
14- White-label Reseller portal
15- DID Management
16- Real-time time Monitoring
17- CPS (Calls Per Second)
18- Active Calls Monitoring
19- Many More New Features!

Skype : robiulislam2662
Email : masudmaty@gmail.com
whatsapp: +8801834452662

#predictive dialer

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