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We are growing ! We are Looking for Forum Moderators for this site!

More than 3000 Registered Businesses | Top active VOIP forum | Interested ?..Click to Speak

Offering Best Quality CC CLI routes for 65, 81, 61, 62, 852, 853, 86 destinations ||USDT AVAILABLE||

Hello Partners,

We are offering the Best routes for the following destinations:

65 cc 1xx ANI
81 cc
61 cc correct display ( 612xx,613xx614xxx )
62 cc mobile, local ANI correct display
852 cc ( 86755xxx correct display )
853 cc (86xx ANI correct display )
Singapore cc route (ANI : 1xxx correct display)
China CLI (we have all ANI pass routes except 86xx, 420xx,1xxx)
China CLI (ANI pass 420xx)
China 1+xxx modified route

Please feel free to ping me for further assistance...
Email : sales@vekutel.com

Skype : live:.cid.dac5757afbf30fba

Contact us to advertise on this website!