Good promos on CC and CLI and TDM and NCLI !!
!! DIDs available !! A to Z !! low rate !!
@@@ Cuba TDM , Thailand TDM , Russia Phishing , Kazakasthan
@@@ Malaysia Time telecom, TM , TATA , Airtel , IDT
@@@ Newzland , Australia direct Telstra , Symbio rtp
@@@ Thailand local ani correct display
@@@ Taiwan , Singapore CLI routes , HK PCCW, Apelby , 86xx anis
@@@ UAE , Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait , Oman ALL CC routes
@@@ Nigeria MTN TDM and all testing pass ACD 6 min+
@@@ Indonesia , South Korea , Japan , Vietnam citic open rtp
@@@ UK Vodafone rtp ip . UK 86 XX anis pass , Uk fix IDT open rtp
@@@ Brazil ,France , Belgium, Canada , Denmark , Finland , Lithuania
@@@ Chile , Mexico ,South Africa , Saudi Arabia, USA outbound
@@@ Local GW route to Syria mobile ALL available for Only Bahrain and Qatar ANI Traffic
!! Please contact me on SKype : Caprus.priya
!! DIDs available !! A to Z !! low rate !!
@@@ Cuba TDM , Thailand TDM , Russia Phishing , Kazakasthan
@@@ Malaysia Time telecom, TM , TATA , Airtel , IDT
@@@ Newzland , Australia direct Telstra , Symbio rtp
@@@ Thailand local ani correct display
@@@ Taiwan , Singapore CLI routes , HK PCCW, Apelby , 86xx anis
@@@ UAE , Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait , Oman ALL CC routes
@@@ Nigeria MTN TDM and all testing pass ACD 6 min+
@@@ Indonesia , South Korea , Japan , Vietnam citic open rtp
@@@ UK Vodafone rtp ip . UK 86 XX anis pass , Uk fix IDT open rtp
@@@ Brazil ,France , Belgium, Canada , Denmark , Finland , Lithuania
@@@ Chile , Mexico ,South Africa , Saudi Arabia, USA outbound
@@@ Local GW route to Syria mobile ALL available for Only Bahrain and Qatar ANI Traffic
!! Please contact me on SKype : Caprus.priya