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Robust and convenient - Speedflow rolls out Linux based IP P

Speedflow has launched a new standalone Solution - the Callmax PBX.

The Linux based PBX combines standard features with a user friendly web Interface.

The Callmax PBX comprises the following features and services:

∙ Extended Hosted / Virtual PBX
∙ DNS name support per Customer/PBX
. User Friendly Web Interface
∙ Group calls management
∙ Voicemail to email
∙ Extended calls forwarding options
∙ IVR and DID support
∙ Conference rooms
∙ End-user Web Portal
∙ Integratable with various payment processing systems.

As Speedflow is eager to help its customers whatever their needs, CallMax PBX is available for rent or for purchase.

For more information, feel free to contact us via e-mail software_sales@speedflow.com or visit our web-site http://speedflow.com/index.php/en/callmax/ip-pbx

Contact us to advertise on this website!