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urgently need below direct routes with good live traffic

Hi friend,

Pleaes find our newest targets routes below. We have good live traffic for all of below destinations .Daily volume and requested stats are as below.

China all 55% 10+mins 200k daily
Vietnam mobile viettel 35% 4+mins 30k daily
Afghanistan mobile Roshan 35% 5mins 25k daily
Afghanistan mobile MTN 35% 5+mins 23k daily
Kenya mobile safaricom 32% 6mins 15k daily
Indonesia mobile Excelcom 40% 5+mins 120k daily
Indonesia mobile Telkomsel 38% 5+mins 80k daily
Indonesia mobile Indosat 36% 6mins 96k daily
Nigeria mobobile MTN 35% 5+mins 27k daily
Thailand mobile 45% 6+mins 30k daily
Philippine mobile globe 38% 5-6mins 45k daily
Myanmar mobile 37% 5+mins 67k daily
Ghana all 42% 4-5mins 13 k daily
Pakistan mobile mobilink 35% 5+mins 75k dialy
Bangladesh mobile CLI 45% 7+mins 100k daily
India cli 45% 7+mins 120k daily
Please contact me with below infromation:


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