*VOS3000 once time installation and rental available with mobile webpannel,Antihacking(server location-China, Hongkong,Singapore, USA, Germany) *
*Rental Available for below capacity( with Mobile web and Antihacking)*
*200cc - $25/Month*
*500cc - $30/Month*
*1000cc - $45/Month*
*2000cc - $69/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*3000cc - $90/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*5000cc - $120/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*Server Location :- China(Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen, Hongkong), Singapore, USA, Germany, UK and More......*
*Remote Desktop Available for China, Hongkong,Singapore, USA, Germany, UK Location*
*Payment Option PAYPAL/USDT/INR*
*skype: live:data4voice*
*whatsapp:- +91-9891979877*
*Telegram:- @vos3000_80*
*Rental Available for below capacity( with Mobile web and Antihacking)*
*200cc - $25/Month*
*500cc - $30/Month*
*1000cc - $45/Month*
*2000cc - $69/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*3000cc - $90/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*5000cc - $120/Month (Dedicated Server)*
*Server Location :- China(Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen, Hongkong), Singapore, USA, Germany, UK and More......*
*Remote Desktop Available for China, Hongkong,Singapore, USA, Germany, UK Location*
*Payment Option PAYPAL/USDT/INR*
*skype: live:data4voice*
*whatsapp:- +91-9891979877*
*Telegram:- @vos3000_80*