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Why you decide to take cloud VOS3000 from SFV

You must be thinking when there are so many server provider in the market then why will you take server from Server for VoIP. We have very strong point here.

When you are taking a server for your VoIP business you think about;

The server cost
Server security
Backup policy

Mostly VoIP business very much depends upon these things.

Server for VoIP is the best choice because we have very attractive package which fulfill all these criteria.

*** Competitive rate.

*** Free firewall with world’s best class anti hacking technology.

*** 24X7X365 support

*** Free data backup

So If you really want to concentrate fully on your business then quickly order a server from us and let us take all the responsibility of your server.

SFV Budget VOS3000 Servers you are getting at below rate :

VOS3000-500CC V- & V- @only $79.99 monthly and V- @ only $99.99 monthly
V- will cost $99.99 for installation
VOS3000-1000CC V- & V- @only $99.99 monthly and V- @ only $119.99 monthly
V- will cost $99.99 for installation
VOS3000-1500CC V- & V- @only $139.99 monthly and V- @ only $159.99 monthly
Don’t be late to take the right decision and contact us anytime to place an order!

Mourin Rahman
Sales executive
Server for VOIP
Skype: sfv_dt.bd
E-mail: sales1@serverforvoip.com
Office(USA): +1 (888) 990 3677
Cell : +88 0195 7741 124
Web: www.serverforvoip.com

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